
La Fuite


Thursday 11 July
18:45 - 19:30: La Perchée
Friday 12 July
19:00 - 19:45: La Perchée

Olivier Meyrou & Matias Pilet - Le Monfort (FR)


He runs with his belongings strapped to his back. As a vagabond, a fugitive, a refugee both yesterday and today, he incessantly faces the obstacles life throws on his path. Filmmaker and director Olivier Meyrou concocted a type of circus that reinvents the clown from the golden era of silent movies. Spectators of all ages will laugh as something falls on his head, amused by his frailty while marveling at his ability to escape sticky situations.

Matias Pilet infuses innocence in his graceful portrayal of the battered hero. Switching between acrobatics, mime and dance, he excels despite limited resources -  a tent, the sounds of a rowdy piano, suggestive noise – and delivers a moving and captivating performance.

A little gem of a circus act!



Creation & Circus Act: Matias Pilet 

Stage Direction: Olivier Meyrou 

Producer: Jules Pierret

Light & Sound Engineering: Jules Pierret and Sofia Bassim

Executive Production : Le Monfort 

With the support of : L’Agora – Boulazac, Villa Médicis – Académie de France à Rome, Palacio Pancas Palha – Lisbonne                                                    

Acknowledgements: Companhia Olga Roriz, Villa Médicis – Académie de France à Rome, Le Quai – Angers, Sébastien Savine, Arthur Chavaudret, Pierre Marie Lazaroo


Also From Olivier Meyrou & Matias Pilet - Le Monfort