


Thursday 11 July
23:30 - 00:30: Le Grand Canyon

Namdose (BE, FR)

Indie Rock

They say there’s strength in numbers. Namdose’s story started one spring evening in 2018, in Brussels. The Belgian trio BRNS and the French duo Ropoporose teamed up on stage during the Nuits Botaniques festival.  What was supposed to be a one-night stint became several, eventually leading up to an album released earlier this year. Using two drumsets, two basses and one guitar, Namdose performs melodious and indulgent indie rock of varying harmonies. Sometimes, their music is psychedelic, sometimes it's mildly dissonant. One thing's for sure: it's always sprinkled with light pop.



Band Members: Antoine Meersseman, Timothée Philippe, Diego Leyder, Pauline Benard, Romain Benard