Saturday 13 July |
20:00 - 21:00: La Face Nord |
Whispers of ancient music from faraway lands. Man-made instruments, modified transistor radios and other old electronic objects. Distortion, deconstruction, disorder: three D’s that would instantly bring punk music to mind. Is the Bégayer trio punk? Maybe, in their own chill and jazzy way.
“We are looking for a specific type of illegitimacy, something like vagrancy by choice that does not arise from any tradition,” says the group. We couldn’t have said it better. They sing in Arabic, in Italian and in French, creating rhythms that live in a self-sufficient universe.
Definitely outside the box!
Lyrics, Vocals, 3-String Lute, Objects: Loup Uberto
3-String Bass Lute, Objects, Circuit Bending: Lucas Ravinale
Drums, Objects: Alexis Vinéïs